Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Drum Trax (Part 2)

Sorry, sebab mengambil masa yang agak lama untuk recording+mixing audio files bagi Part 2 (komitmen masa bah...)

Kepada rakan-rakan yang baru mengenali Drum Trax, mp3 ini dihasilkan sebagai backing-track bagi memudahkan guitarist atau bassist practice. Sila adjust Left-Right Balance untuk sound yang anda inginkan. Left: hanya muzik, Right: hanya bunyi drum. Sekiranya anda menggunakan Windows Media Player, memang option tu tiada, harap maaf... Sebaiknya, gunakan audio/media player yang ada option L-R Balance. Tapi kan, bunyi paling best kalau guna option Mono.

So, just click to download. Or, right-click and Save As the files below:

Recording drum adalah one-take. So, kalau ada glitch tu al-maklumlah...

Thursday, 24 September 2015

Drum Trax (Re.: Suhaimi)

Drum Trax below was done in single-take, so a few mistakes can be ignored.
Just right-click, and "save link as". Please adjust the L-R balance.
Jerangkung Dalam Almari (4.63MB)
Peronda Jaket Biru (4.53MB)

Pabila dah campin buat track-recording, aku upload lagi hehe...

Thursday, 9 July 2015

Borang PBPPP 2015

Sebentar tadi berlangsung taklimat, hehe... Sila klik link di bawah untuk download borang berkenaan. Tidak perlu pening-pening memikirkan ukuran, font, table etc...

Download Borang PBPPP

Monday, 8 June 2015

EKSA: Cadangan Logo Zon

Nota: Imej bersaiz kecil, hanya untuk rujukan.

Saya cuma mencadangkan supaya logo zon-zon nampak standard.
So, sekiranya mendapat sambutan atau persetujuan, saya akan upload imej bersaiz sebenar bagi setiap zon. Sekiranya tidak berkenan, no problem sebab ini cuma cadangan, Terima kasih!

Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Brief History On My Computer Madness Part 2 of 2

This is the last part...

I was posted to SMK Membakut II as the pioneering group of teachers.
At this moment, my PC can't no longer withstand the amount of pressure and abuse of mine, hehehe... So, it went dead a few days after I installed/fitted USB cable/socket (at that time USB cable/socket was rather new to common users). So, it was time for me (again) to scarce parts to build another PC. Only this time, I managed to save some money to buy a very good processor, specifically for MM-AV tasks.

Completed my own built-up PC. The specifiation included: An awesome 2,4GHz processor with 2.0GHz RAM. It was the most mindblowing PC - playing NFS was flawless and totally VR! Mind you, such specification comes standard on PC and laptop only about two or three years ago. And I did that about a decade ago!...

Having said that, you may now understand my madness... I really hate it when I'm faster than the PC or laptop I'm using. Remember when I said "abuse"? Well, that's what happened when I really pushed my PC to its max, it generated heat that could melt the processor to its core... (I never overclocked, okay)

I've got married in 2004, and I also got appointed to the District Education Office as Information Officer in which my responsibilities are data and information and ICT. I really love that post even with 8 to 5 working hours... With two major changes to my life, I decided it was time for me to slow myself down from the computer madness, and so I put my PC away...

Computers are meant to be obsolete within 4 to 5 years. Mine around 3 years. But, if the life of the computer expanded up 'til 10 years, that's a trash. Why is it that the PC's in offices permitted to have life expansions? Again, the computer madness hit me. I just can't stand working with a PC that can't do tasks I wanted it to do!

I needed a fast PC that is able to coop with my abuse... Remember that I hated slow PC's...
Fortunately, just as I was trying to ugrade the PC, KPM granted us, the Information Officers of all districts a brand-spanking-new laptop, DELL Latitude. I don't remember of which series, but I do remember it has 10" (diagonally) monitor. As for its specifications, if I'm not mistaken; 1.5 GHz processor mated to 1.5 GHz DRAM, which I instantly upgraded to 2.0 GHz for my own convenience.

Such a relief, I literally have forgotten the whole idea of upgrading my office PC.
But, things are not meant to be merry forever, sigh... I had to give up such convenience when I was re-posted (again), returning to my base school, SMK Membakut II in late 2010.

2010 - 2012
I'm not kidding, but really... I successfully endured a non-PC life for more than 2 years. During that period, I patiently used the school's PC, computer lab's PC and even the library's PC. Apparently, I lived my life unconnected, aaaargghh!...

2013 until now...
I decided, it's time to get a new PC. Only this time, my budget allowed me to buy a complete unit of used PC but with an awesome specifications; 2.2 GHz processor paired with 2.4 GHz DDRAM. I upgraded its graphic card though. Overall, I love it, even though it's second-hand PC. But, who cares, as long it works, right?

And by the end of the year, I bought myself a decent mini laptop, the Acer Aspire ONE. Not much to brag about its specifications, but I did upgraded its RAM. I left all the other stuff standard as it should because it's meant for school works, not gaming or hacking.

That's the best I can shorten such long history.
Though I may be considered as a computer nerd or gadget freak, I'm not fond of social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp or anything like that. I preferred the conventional voice phone, SMS and email. To me, those social media can control your life without you even noticing...

That, my fellow reader, is another issue which I may elaborate in other post. Maybe...
See ya!

Sunday, 31 May 2015

Brief History On My Computer Madness Part 1 of 2

Part 1

I used the term "madness" because there were times when I just can't get myself away from flickering my PC - for up to 10 hours, straight! Well, that was way back then before I got married, masa bujang lah. The main reason for that ridiculous duration was gaming and hacking. But, do mind the speed of the processor and it's RAM 10 or 20 years ago, okay.
So, the brief history, my fellow readers...

My first exposure to PC - Windows 3.11 (remember floppy disks?) It took me 2 weeks to master the exe of DOS

My second year in UPM. I initially bought an e-typewriter (Casio to be precise) to do my assignments. It really developed my typing skills. Really...
Got my first laptop, NEC Versa 550D around October that year. It's OS, guess what, Windows 95! It was god-sent, the OS of course. I spent about 2 months to study the full potential of Windows 95, not to mention the scarce related books and hacking journals.

Ha ha haaa... Did my first hacking! The site: Faculty of Engineering, UPM. (they were the first faculty to implement online website). The client: My housemates (it was their fault, they dared me). The task: To tamper their (my housemates') exam results. The end result: Four students (yeah, my housemates...) got A's for half of their papers on that semester. The conclusion: So much for their claimed firewall...

Got my degree, appointed as a teacher in SMK Membakut. Here I met two of the best nerds specifically in computer madness, namely Cikgu Zakimi and Cikgu Sazril.
My NEC laptop broke down a year later, after enduring about four years of total abuse (just kidding). Mind you, it was my best teacher on computing.

I kept myself away from personal computer or PC for months, mainly because I don't have enough money to buy myself a decent PC. But not until the released of Windows 2000, aaarrggh!

The millennium bug did occurred... My Casio G-Shock died when I woke up that morning.
Since I don't have enough money to buy a PC, I built my first PC from scratch by means of used hardware and parts i.e trash. Most of the parts (or trash) I sourced from Cikgu Zakimi. And, voila - I've got myself a PC! No money spent, except for the CD-R burner and CRT (what?) monitor. And also some cables.
And again, I spent ridiculous hours playing NFS and Age of Empire (it's the grandfather of CoC, you know)...

to be continued...

Sunday, 24 May 2015

Logo EKSA (yang oooooriginal...)

Sila klik download link di bawah untuk logo EKSA SMK Membakut II yang mula-mula saya reka. Perbezaan hanyalah padanan warna....

Logo EKSA Original

Tuesday, 19 May 2015


Kalau post baru-baru tadi saya upload manual... Di post ini, anda boleh download apekebende yang perlu guru tahu supaya penilaian anda tidak bercelaru.

Download Garis Panduan Penilaian

Sila BACA DENGAN TELITI!... Sebabnya, ada baaaaanyak alasan atau faktor yang boleh menjejaskan markah penilaian guru.

Monday, 18 May 2015


Sila klik download link berikut untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut apekebende Penilaian Bersepadu Pegawai Perkhidmatan Pendidikan 2015...

Manual PBPPP

Sunday, 17 May 2015


Sila klik download link
Pelan Lantai & Pelan Elektrikal untuk semua bilik di Blok Akademik A

Pelan Lantai & Pelan Elektrikal untuk semua bilik di Blok Akademik B

Menyusul selepas ini (Bahagian 2) adalah Pelan Lantai & Pelan Elektrikal bagi Blok Makmal A dan B serta Blok Bengkel. Bilik-bilik yang terdapat di Blok Makmal dan Blok Bengkel mempunyai ukuran serta layout elektrikal yang berbeza-beza. So, ia memerlukan lebih komitmen masa. Untuk "keperluan segera", dapatkan kertas, pensel, pembaris dan lukislah sendiri, hehehe...

Sabar, cikgu. Jangan marah...

Logo SMK Membakut II


Logo sekolah untuk digunakan oleh warga SMK Membakut II. Saya telah membina outline hitam, so sekiranya dicetak greyscale (hitam putih), tidaklah logo ini seperti "digigit" di bahagian yang berwarna kuning, hehehe...

Untuk download logo, sila right-click imej -- klik save as
Untuk copy, sila right-click  imej -- copy -- kemudian  paste di mana ia berkenaan.

Saturday, 16 May 2015

Download Logo EKSA

(Ekologi Kondusif Sektor Awam)
Ekslusif SMK Membakut II

Klik download link di atas...

Sekiranya 'nak resize, TOLONG resize/drag dari sudut. Bukannya dari kiri/kanan atau atas/bawah!
Sebabnya, kalau resize dari bucu atau sudut, aspect ratio asal tidak berubah. Tetapi, kalau resize/drag dari kiri/kanan atau atas/bawah, aspect ratio akan terjejas...

Itu yang selalu kita jumpa gambar orang jadi kuruslah, membulatlah, muka herotlah.

Kalau terasa, saya minta maaf... Selamat Hari Guru!

Friday, 15 May 2015


Setelah hampir tiga tahun terpendam, akhirnya pada tahun ini (2015) saya berpendapat adalah kritikal (atau mungkin praktikal...) blog ini dikongsikan. 

Sempena tarikh hari ini juga saya ingin mengucapkan 


kepada semuaaaaaa guru yang sebenar-benarnya mendidik, yang seikhlas-ikhlasnya mendidik! "Mun nda banar-banar dari hati, ikhlas dari hati, bukan tah guru namanya tu..."

So, rakan-rakan guru sekalian, anda boleh download dokumen-dokumen yang saya kepilkan.
Sekiranya terdapat dokumen yang memerlukan password, hubungi saya. Sebabnya, ada perkara-perkara yang tidak boleh kita kongsi/share secara terbuka....